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Safety operation procedure for precision four column cutting press machine

1. Objective: In order to better maintain the equipment and the safe use, to ensure the safe operation of the precision four-column cutting machine.

2. Scope of application: precision four-column cutting machine and other hydraulic cutting machine.

3. Safe operation procedure:

1. The operator of the precision four-column cutting machine should obtain the corresponding qualifications and must work with certificates. It is strictly prohibited to operate the precision four-column cutting machine for the employees who are not familiar with the cutting machine.

2. The necessary protective equipment should be worn before work.

3, before starting the following necessary detection: ① photoelectric protection device is reliable, whether the ② travel switch is sensitive, whether the ③ fastener is loose.

4. Remove the sundries on the worktable and knife mold, run without load for one to two minutes, and cut everything normally.

5. The setting handle on the machine has been adjusted appropriately during debugging, and non-technical personnel should not adjust it at will.

6. It is strictly prohibited to work beyond the maximum nominal pressure, and shall not overload in any form.

7. It is strictly prohibited to work beyond the maximum travel range, that is, the minimum distance from the upper working stage to the lower working table is 500mm. The knife mold and pad should be designed and installed according to this minimum distance, so as to avoid damage to the cutting machine.

Post time: May-12-2024